Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
thanks for the advice. I did just spend a bunch of time adjusting speaker placement. Its amazing what a 1/4 inch of toe in will do. To be accurate, if you are measuring from the center of drivers, the speakers are 14’ apart.  My room is dual purpose, 2ch and theater. That being said, there is a little wiggle room to move in the direction you recommend. I’ll give it a try. I didn’t mention, the left speaker is only 2 feet from the side wall, and there is no wall near right speaker.Thanks 
thanks for the heads up, I’ll check out those power cords. That’s a nice sounding amp. Years ago when the first 150 reference came out, I did get to hear it and compare it to the hot rod. I immediately heard the difference. I haven’t been able to hear anything else from Belles since then because local shop stopped carrying the products. Thanks 
Good to see you again. Thank You for chiming in to assist bellesfan.You own a killer speaker in the CS 2.4 model.I enjoy a Wireworld Silver Star 5.2 HDMI in my tv/video set up.If you have an opportunity, upgrade to the Silver Electra 7 PC.
Happy Listening!
@bellesfan, Being so close to a wall is all the more reason to move them in closer, which should also make for a more solidly imagining center fill. At some point, you might want to consider some absorptive room treatment on the close side wall.
I contacted Rob at Coherent Source and he no longer has upgrade kits for cs7’s to 7.2. He also informed me that the coax drivers in the 2.3s were upgraded near the serial number 4567. The upgraded one has two magnets. My question to those in the know, what else besides the passive radiator and crossover was changed or upgraded in the 2.4? Can any improvements be made to the 2.3 ?
my serial number is 5313, so I already have the updated coax. Thanks, 
happy listening