The Lifespan of an LP?

How many times can one play a new vinyl lp before the sound noticeably degrades? For the purpose of the exercise, assume one takes decent care of the record and has a properly set up and maintained, good quality deck and stylus. My system has been taking quantum leaps in quality over the last three years and I find myself buying more mint and near-mint vintage  records on Discogs and audiophile remastered records from MoFi etc. Thanks!
If you question hearing your record anew vs much wear, consider getting a needle that tracks higher or lower in the grove than the previous wear pattern.  (Keeping in mind that tracking lower in the groove necessitates extremely clean vinyl)
Vinyl is tough stuff.  Consider that a diamond stylus incurs wear (i.e., has to be replaced) against vinyl, and not the other way around.  Vinyl flexes, gives up its detail, and then returns to normal after a diamond is dragged through its trench.
Your great grandchildren will be listening to them. You can’t wear out a record. 
Okay, Whart is 100% correct.  Inna is wrong!   Sorry, the vinyl record, if of good quality or near 100% virgin vinyl, is an elastic medium.  Once played, it requires about 24 hour rest period prior to returning to it's original shape.  Hence, I have LPs that I have played 100+ times which sound as good (or better with upgraded room and electronics) as long as I treat the record with care. 

I have 28,500 LPs.  The last three collections I purchased include120 LPs from a guy who only bought 25¢ to $1 LPs, often damaged, always used, 2500 LPs from a guy who took great care of his LPs but also often purchased used/abused LPs, and 800 LPs from a guy (major record/CD producer) who had 200,000+ LPs but didn't discern condition (sometimes perfect, sometimes dreadful, mostly used).  So, buying collections or parts thereof are not so full proof.   Oh yes 3 years ago I purchased an opera & classical LP collection of 1200 LPs which were in mint condition.  The owner was fastidious and did not play them very often.  That's the quality of a collection everyone wants.

Also, cleanliness of the stylus, condition of the stylus and turntable set up is paramount to maintaining one's collection.