Ayre AX5 Twenty

Looking for some input on the Ayre AX5 Twenty 
I have one here that was a customer trade.  Anything I can answer for you?  
If you are looking at the AX5 Twenty, you should also look at the Ayre EX-8. I personally liked it better than the AX-5 Twenty but that's just my opinion based on a side by side comparison using my Harbeth speakers. I recommend listening for yourself though as they are both great amps and your listening priorities may be different than mine.

I ended up buying an Aesthetix Mimas integrated to replace my Ayre AX-7e and Ayre Codex which I preferred to the Ayre amplifiers.

Good Luck!
A rather expensive integrated considering it’s power output,    that has been rather well received by reviewers. It should be noted that original AX5 measurements suggest that it is not an ideal candidate for low impedance speakers.