headphone question

I'm going to buy a new pair of headphones for occasional listening, such as the AKG K142HD or K272HD model. Will I need a headphone amp for these phones or will my McIntosh C712 pre-amp be sufficient since it has a headphone jack? Any other suggestions would be helpful.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I recommend you give the 'phones a try using the Mac's built-in headphone amp. If the sound doesn't suit you, then go buy a nice amp...

Even quality companies will put inferior opamps for the headphone output. You can find many quality headphone amps for a few hundred dollars. Schiit is a good place to start. 
Maybe you can try the naenka tws earbuds. It uses Qualcomm 3040 chip and Bluetooth 5.0 technology. It can be used for 7 hours on a single charge and the total battery life of the charging compartment exceeds 28 hours. It can meet the music needs of travel and business trips.