Re-terminate speaker cables

I have a pair of audio quest rocket 33 cables that are biwire. I want to have them changed to full range with spades on the speaker end.  Audio quest is unresponsive.  Is there another resource to get this done?
Would I be combining the two ends that says treble together and the two that’s labeled bass together?  This is solid wire and it seems pretty thick.  Would I be able to find DIY connectors to join these?  I guess it won’t look as slick as the original. 
I am surprised that AQ has not responded to you. I sent in a request on Monday to re-terminate a set of interconnects. They got back to me on Tuesday with the price and an RMA form to complete. Did use the contact us email on their website?

I would recommend that you have AQ do this work for you. You might also contact your dealer. Good Luck!
Do your hands shake uncontrollably? You are already on the internet, so I know you can find the information. You are already talking about paying for shipping and service, so I know you can afford a soldering iron. So you can totally do this yourself. Unless, the only remaining question, do your hands shake uncontrollably?