Have a look at PMC ( https://pmc-speakers.com/home-audio ). Their FACT range may be available for the money you are considering.
A large percentage of films you have watched and albums you've listened to were recorded, mixed and mastered using PMC monitors in the control room ( https://pmc-speakers.com/studio )
PMC domestic speakers are based on the research done in the studio space. I've had quite a bit of exposure to both formats and the home audio kit has a similar signature to the studio kit. The domestic kit is neutral and transparent, AND they manage to do this without making bad recordings unlistenable!
A large percentage of films you have watched and albums you've listened to were recorded, mixed and mastered using PMC monitors in the control room ( https://pmc-speakers.com/studio )
PMC domestic speakers are based on the research done in the studio space. I've had quite a bit of exposure to both formats and the home audio kit has a similar signature to the studio kit. The domestic kit is neutral and transparent, AND they manage to do this without making bad recordings unlistenable!