Pimping your router

1. Use a wired router only
2. If wireless router is needed, separate router for wifi
3. only streamer, NOTHING ELSE connected 
4. use LPS to feed router
5. use shortest possible quality cable to streamer
6. use Acoustic Revive RLT-1 filter on spare router or streamer port
7. wrap router and LPS in EMI/RFI shielding material
8. use EMO EN70-HD filter near streamer for ethernet connection
9. use quality shielded cable between router and internet access point

All of these will individually improve your streaming SQ, in aggregate the effect is significant
Enjoy the music
wrap router and LPS in EMI/RFI shielding material
Did you see “Better call Saul” the TV series? Saul’s brother was suffering from severe  EMI/RFI allergy and he used that  EMI/RFI shielding material all over his house. The guy even had to go totally analog to enjoy his jazz collection without allergic reaction :)

The EMO EN70-HD isn’t an Ethernet filter, just an isolation transformer, of which the router and streamer already has built-in as standard. The ENO Filter from Network Acoustics is a proper filter.

the EMO filters RFI/EMI as well as ground level noise from long ethernet runs, whether you call or not call that a filter is your personal choice. As to your stated fact that one of these is also built into the streamer: there is plenty of evidence that multiples in series are beneficial and in my case the insertion of the EMO filter was significant for SQ

You will also note that I listed an additional Acoustic Revive filter higher up the list, this has passive characteristics as does your ENO filter.

Btw: you should make people aware that your post promotes your own product.
Or you can contact Small Green Computer Co. and they can get you all set up with a fiber optic solution. You can run fiber for miles with no signal loss.
Hope the solution described above also included a fire sprinkler system. Can only imagine all the heat generated from pimping.