A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV

The Cornwall IV is so sensitive in all respects.  Source, cables, power, time of day, recording, tubes---it is so revealing of changes you make.  I won't say it's scientifically transparent.  Instead, I'd say that it's overtly shows a difference with every change you make.  That can become a game or enjoyable in its own right, and draw you away from the music.

The good news is the Cornwall IVs are clearly a musical speaker.  This translates into most swaps of gear in and out sounding pleasant in their own right.    

Here's the problem:   I can easily sit tight with the Cornwalls and any decent setup of attached kit. But it is so utterly intoxicating to hear so many different things play with the Cornwalls.  

Curiosity killed the cat.  This cat might end up in bankruptcy!

What a wonderful loudspeaker. 
I rocked KG4.2 speakers for 12 years, built and bought in 1992. Everyone who heard them loved it. Paired with a Mirage 15 sub and an 80s era Marantz it sounded beautiful.

I have Cornwall IV's and a Luxman L509X now, and it's absolutely transcendental.

Like most gear, pairing with the right components can make all the difference. The Cornwall's are no exception.
@jbhiller, I demoed 6 solid state and 2 tube amps in the general price range of the Luxman, about $8-12k and decided it was "the one". I am a year in now and could not be happier (unless it was with much more expensive gear of course!). I think it has enough of the richness of tubes with the benefits of solid state to be just perfect. If you ever get the chance, demo the L509X. It's a wonderful amp.

I don't do the holy war thing with X is superior to Y. All quality gear is great. The companies that design it are full of smart people who know what they are doing. The difference is the flavor and what tickles your tastes in that special way. For me, I love horns and the Klipsch sound.
Talked with the owner of Pure Audio Project...from Israel 🇮🇱. Cool guy!  Trio line Horn 1’s sound tasty 😋. Modular and tweakable with no power cords or active components.  May be the ones 🤔
@jett88,  Good for you.  I like how you tried out 8 products! You now feel confident you like the sound you have.  Smart.

I agree with you--there are tons of great products out there.  It doesn't need to be a zero sum game.  

I really need to hear the CW IVs driven by a Lux, Pass, or other great SS amp.