The Biggest Album Release of All Time...

...just occurred. New U2 album free on Itunes into October.

U2 giving its music away for free these days it seems, whatever Apple might be paying them to do so aside.
09-10-14: Azaud
Sgt. Pepper was highly anticipated, and lived up to the hype, to say the least.
1967 was an incredible year, seeing the release of "Jefferson Airplane's "Surrealistic Pillow," "The Doors," Hendrix's "Axis: Bold as Love," and Moody Blues' "Days of Future Past." But the biggest that year--or any year--was "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

In the midst of that incredible burst of creativity, it's a shame that Brian Wilson couldn't bring "Smile" to completion or it would have rivaled those other landmark releases. Other notable releases that year included Cream's "Disraeli Gears," "The Who Sell Out," and the Stones' "Their Satanic Majesty's Request."
U2 4Me

Peppers no doubt. 
The ambiance in anticipation of Sgt. Peppers 20 college joes crammed in a room with AR speakers, dual turntable, HH Scott amp, and an oz. of homegrown Flemington flash, unforgettable a half-century later.
Not an album but the Beatles premier of All You Need Is Love via satallite had over 400 million viewers world wide. I can remember the anticipation building and gathering around the tv.
Right. When everything is everywhere nothing is big any more. Except me. My head is as big as ever.