Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

One of the most watched threads fizzled out? Wth?

They the "clan" here were doggedly stuck on their views of what sounded best for RedBook CD, which they thought was DS (delta sigma) based units, and they tried every new unit that came along.

I mentioned to them that R2R Ladder was the future for PCM Redbook, but couldn't shift them off DS conversion.

I tried to get them to take on board the new class of R2R Ladder dac units, especially the latest breed of "Discrete" R2R ones, but I was shot down time I mentioned it. In the end I just gave up.
The old adage, "time will tell".

Cheers George  
Hi Branislav. The thread fizzled out because I am now an active contributing reviewing author for Enjoy The Music and The Absolute Sound.
I had been using a Light Harmonic Davinci 2 DAC for many years now (which IS a ladder DAC, so I don’t know what GeorgeHiFi is even talking about) as my ultimate reference. But I just moved over to a Pilium Elektra; which uses eight AK4493 in Dual Mono. It’s is spectacular!
The Davinci2 is for sale if anyone is interested.
I’m STILL ever searching, and my access to top tier is better then ever. Contrary to what George has been screaming from his soap box forever about R2R being the ONLY way to go, a good DAC is not just about the DAC chip. It is a sum of its’ parts and design elegance.

Follow my reviews on Enjoy The Music and The Absolute Sound. And watch what is in my personal system. I will be reviewing the Taiko Extreme music server shortly for ETM. I have high expectations for that unit! My reference for years has been the Memory Player, but it has its quirks. The new Aurender A30 also looks intriguing. Lots of great digital gear out now.

As I was on this thread, I endeavor to always be honest and sincere in my published reviews. 
so I don’t know what GeorgeHiFi is even talking about
Yes you do, your next statement below proves it.

Contrary to what George has been screaming from his soap box forever about R2R being the ONLY way to go, a good DAC is not just about the DAC chip. It is a sum of its’ parts and design elegance.
Don’t twist things, it’s the D to A conversion process that’s foremost, and yes the other things are important also.
I always maintained R2R was the best way for RedBook to be converted,  which is (PCM 16/44 24/96 and DXD), which is the title to your thread. "Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD" https://youtu.be/MMzd40i8TfA
Hey Matt...If you get a chance to audition the Luxman D-10X you may be pleasantly surprised! Just make sure the player has at least five to six hundred hours of burn in time for a full flavor of the exceptional audio quality...
George. You said, “They the "clan" here were doggedly stuck on their views of what sounded best for RedBook CD, which they thought was DS (delta sigma) based units, and they tried every new unit that came along.”

So, yes. I don’t know what your talking about. Because my reference WAS an R2R. So clearly we the “clan” were NOT “doggedly stuck” on Delta Sigma only. But you will make an argument out of an agreement.
So YES!!!! For George’s sake.....

for gods sake, DONT BUY ANYTHING BUT AN R2R DAC OR YOU WILL LITERALLY BE MAKING THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!! It is IMPOSSIBLE To build a Delta Sigma DAC that could ever be better then the best R2R DAC.

There ya go George. We said it. 👍🏻

PS - That is not true. There are no absolutes. Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Are you a Sith George?

PPS - that Sith comment was a total JOKE!!! I do NOT think George is a Sith. Not that I have anything against Sith’s. I mean, they are usually bad but who knows, maybe there is a nice Sith out there. But George isn’t a Sith. I think. I’m pretty sure at least. If I die by force choking after he reads this post then he might be a Sith. Or I could have just choked on some sushi. Who knows really.
Do what you should do. Read reviews. Think for yourself. Go LISTEN. And then make your own choice. 😎