Audio Companies with Integrity??

Interaction with Audiophile companies and AudiogoN members have been (for most part) positive through the years. There have been a few, however, that have gone 'above and beyond' to ensure that the customer was satisfied. To that end, I would like to give a 'shout out' to Audioquest that recently made a situation right when they really didn't have to. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say, that when the need arises I will not hesitate to buy from them again and will recommend their products and service to anyone who values my opinion.

For discussion purposes, would anyone care to raise a glass to a company that in your opinion deserves some love.
Ron Sutherland - Sutherland Engineering. Only makes phono stages. I bought a used one and he took 45 minutes with me helping to install a linear power supply that cost $350. He only wants people to enjoy his equipment. Nicest guy.

Max Townshend from Townshend Audio. Kind of a mad scientist, but he made time to talk to me a couple times and work through how his vibration control platform could improve my turntables sound. 

These guys are in it for the love of enjoying the best sound possible. Ron spoke with me about his system and if I knew anyone who would buy his speakers...
I’ve had great service and advice from John Rutan at Audio Connections and Tony Barnette at Ellington Hi-Fi. 
I’ve tried to keep my system mostly American made, and have had very positive and helpful interactions with Aesthetix, VPI, Soundsmith, Vandersteen and WyWires. I use an Innuos Zenith and Phoenix and had a warranty issue nicely addressed as well. I previously owned Bryson and their service and warranty is excellent. 
I have two; Klaus Bunge at Odyssey Audio shipped out a new amp without hesitation when the first one arrived destroyed by UPS. I was prepared to file a complaint and let that drag out but Klaus argued that would be a lot of trouble and just shipped out the replacement.
You must’ve caught him on a good day. Count yourself very lucky.
I forgot to mentioned Ron Sutherland, very very humble and accommodating Audio guy.