McIntosh MC 8207 Power Guard problem.

I’ve posted this elsewhere without results, so posting here and hope I’m not doing it in the wrong place..

My pre/pro is a MX121, set up as a 5.1 system, and the amp is an MC 8207 which has 7 channels. It’s set up according to the manual directions and the two extra channels are currently unused. 

Two nights ago, the Power Guard lights came on for the two unused channels. Seeing as these lights are supposedly active when the amp is overdriven and there’s clipping, I can’t figure out what’s wrong. How could these two channels be overdriven to clipping? When I turn the system on, the center channel Power Guard light also comes on for a bit, then turns off, but the other two stay lit up. I had hoped that it would correct itself after being turned off for the night, but it hasn’t. None of these lights have ever come on before. Anyone else have a problem like this? It seems to be working OK, but somethings wrong, and I don’t want to screw it up. Any suggestions?
Please be advised: several years ago I purchased a brand new C-39 from one of the most renowned Mac dealers in Ohio.  Shortly after setting the system up, we experienced a momentary power loss.When I went to re-start the system, it was completely dead, so I contacted my dealer and he suggested I send it back to McIntosh, at my expense of course, which I did. So, I called the McIntosh service dept. to find out the status of my C-39 and they told me there was nothing wrong with it..  It was then that I was informed you had to un-plug the power cord for 30sec. to allow a protection circuit to re-boot.  My response was, "where is that written in the manual" his response was "it isn't". I said well shouldn't it be? He said probably, but I don't write the manuals.The dealer,who was a Mac repair center didn't even know that. So at considerable shipping expenses to me,I learned to un-plug the C-39 power cord after a power shortage. Try re-booting your system by un-plugging the power cord for 30sec.
 I neglected to mention,  the Mac service tech did install the most current up-date,at that time, to my nearly new C-39 at no expense to me. Gee Thanks

Hi I just noticed the exact same problem with my MC-8207. First two unused lights came on and now the right channel. Were you able to ever figure out what’s wrong ?