Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp

Does anyone know what model McIntosh amp it was that Jerry used when he played live onstage?  He sure seemed fond of it and I might like to play my guitar thru one as well.  Thx,  Gordon
@roxy4 Neither is a cocaine habit.  I just blew thru a lot of $$ since the start of this pandemic that could have bought me some really nice audio gear... a whole McIntosh system for sure.  But I finally decided to stop and enter my 7th rehab attempt.  I just got home yesterday and I feel so good... like a new man!  They finally got the meds I need for my anxiety and depression (and cravings) really dialed in and that has made all the difference.
Congrats Doug on your decision to go clean. Stick with it, you won't regret it!
Ya Doug - wishing you the best. Rack up each day one at a time ! Best to you