Suggestions to upgrade from Lyra Delos

Greetings again folks:

I've done a bunch of tweaking and fiddling with my Thorens TD124 including a new arm (Jeff Spall), Audio Silente bushings and other minor things.  I love my Delos in general, but I feel like it's missing something.  It's very detailed, fast, tight bass, good channel separation and soundstage (in general, feels a bit compressed front to back) but I feel like I'm missing that 'thing.'  Of course it could just be perception on my part, but I don't have much to compare with so that is the intent of this thread.

The rig:

Thorens TD124 Mk1 w/Mk II mods
Jeff Spall (Audiomods UK) Tonearm,v6
Lyra Delos, with Microridge stylus (original, not rebuilt)
Hagerman Audio Labs Trumpet MC (Loaded at 110 Ohms)
Stax SRM-007T Headphone Amp with Stax Lambda Nova Signature headphones

I'd like to stay under $5K as well and would prefer a similar cost to the Delos ($2K) if possible, but willing to invest more in a different experience if that experience is better.

I realize this is a highly subjective ask.  I would appreciate responses from those that have gone from or to a Delos and what you went to / from.  I'm certainly considering the Kleos or a used Etna (if I can find one in the price range) but again, would like to try another direction to experience a broader range of sound signatures.

Thank you, in advance, for any suggestions.

As I said the Audiomods is a very good arm for the money and punches above its weight. There are arms up to $5k that in my view are better - the Kuzma 4Point9 for example @ around $4.5k

If you had $7k for arm/cart - then $5k arm/$2k cart will outperform $2k arm/$5k cart.

Arm cartridge matching is vital to provide synergy - that is why I'm suggesting medium compliance cartridges for the Audiomods. I know the arm and I simply would not put a Koetsu or top of the line Lyra on it. If you are looking at spending closer to $5k I would get a better arm first. My advice - stay at $2-2.5k budget - medium compliance.

I know the Soundsmith range works well in this arm - I've heard most of them.

What are you "missing" from your current combination ??
Check out miyajima Kansui ,but on low compliance .
Dynavector is medium side and their XX2 is very good for money .
+1 @dover regarding putting funds towards arm ( as a rule of thumb; no disrespect for the Audiomods arm )

@dducat which version Trumpet do you have? The current one with the dc wallwart or the old tall one or the reference? Just curious. I’ve heard the old tall one ( with a few mods at a friends house ) sound fantastic in the past...
Also *if* you splash out on a higher end arm in addition the Kuzma take a look at Schroder CB or BA arm.
Anyways for medium compliance I would also suggest reaching out to Ana Mighty Sound in Paris. They are longtime Audio Technica users, cart retippers, and manufacturers of the medium compliance Sculpture A carts. Great analog loving folks.
@dover - what I feel like I'm missing is 'roundness' of the overall sound presentation.  It presents well and is highly detailed.  It just doesn't feel 'musical' to me, I guess.  It's hard to explain really.

@solypsa - I have the most recent version, with the 15VDC wall wart power supply.  I think it sounds good - dead quiet, no over-coloration.  Again, I wish I could have pulled the trigger on a Herron, but I haven't been able to do that.  At least, not yet.

I do have designs on a Schroeder or Kuzma arm in the future.  I had forgotten that the Audiomods arm comes with a larger mass cartridge mounting plate, so I'm going to try that, for the moment, to see if there's any audible difference.