Issue with Grace Tonearm

Hi. Glad to be a new member. I got a Grace tonearm, said model 560 but couldn't find out anything about it. My problem is the counterweight end is really heavy, and I don't know how to compensate for it. I put a 10g weight on the head shell and that balanced it, but I don't know what to do to set it up on my TT, an older Sota Moonbeam. It has the neatest anti-skating device I've seen! Thanks
Thanks for your response. Most 560's seem to have 12" tonearms, but mine is a 9". I took your advice, found an 18g head shell, and with my 5g Hana cartridge, it balances great. Can I ask where you found infor on the 560? I have found very little, and would like to know more about it.
Itn’t the G-520 = 8", G-540 = 9" and G-560 = 12" ?

For a normal arm, the second digit of the three-digit number of the model number is a guideline for the length. For example, in terms of length, G-520L <540L <560L.
ishkabibbel99 OP
I got a Grace tonearm, said model 560 but couldn’t find out anything about it.

Just get these three inexpensive thing to set up perfectly your vinyl TT

2: Get these for the tracking weight

3: This blank vinyl to set up anitskate so the arm stays put (doesn’t wander in or out)

1st: And this cartridge alignment protractor

Cheers George