Magico V3

I have been considering a speaker upgrade from my current Thiel 3.7s to units in the 10-15k price bracket in the used market. I have auditioned Wilson Sophia 3 and Sasha and Revel Studio2. The studio 2s were to me a sideways move in that the bass was very good but the transparency was no better than what I have; the Wilsons are both very good with superior bass dynamics and extension compared to the Thiels although the Sashas are a few grand out of my price range. Things I have available to audition in my area are Avalon Eidolon Vision and Sonus Elipsa. However, my interest is really peaked in the V3 because I have heard the Mini-2 and the Q3 and liked them a lot; in fact, I think the Q3 is the best I have ever heard, and to my ears preferable to the Wilson Maxx 3 which I also listened to recently. The V3s are available now since they are being traded for the Q3s.

I listen to a lot of orchestral music and acoustic music, mostly on SACD.

I cannot find a pair of V3's to audition in my area. If you have heard the V3s or own them, I am wondering if you think they would provide that wonderful Magico sound I have heard but at a price I can afford.

Thanks in advance for your help.
I own the Mini2 and drive them with Pass XA160.5. These Magicos do need a lot of good, clean power and I think you have that. I have heard the V2 and V3. I did not like the V3 as much as the Mini2 or the V2, but I really think it was the set up at the dealership so they were not demonstrated to their potential.

I found the Mini2 lacking in bass impact and extension at the dealerships, but that was greatly improved in my own room after finding the right spot in my room and also with recent improvements in isolation to my front end. Bass was always very articulate and detailed, but now impact and extension are very good also. Magico does bass very well, IMO. For me it's about quality, not quantity, especially with the kind of music I love (cello, piano). The V3 should be even better in this area if the room/listener/speaker relationship is right.

I did find the V3 less coherent compared to the V2, Mini2 and especially the Q3 and Q5. Perhaps it is because of the physical separation between the mid and bass drivers. I don't know, but this is the weakness of the V3, IMO. I would want to audition a pair in my system for a few days to be sure.

The used prices are very good now on the older wood enclosure Magicos. I think it is a great time to buy. I listen mostly to smaller scale classical and jazz in a small room, and could not be happier with the Mini2.

If you've heard the Mini2, why not consider a pair of those at used prices? If you want bigger, the V3's could be the way to go.
MAGICO V3 wonderful full range speaker MAGICO MINI2 great as well you will enjoy either one.Good luck
Mini2 is the better speaker for smaller to medium sized rooms (I'd say of up to 35m2). V3 is no slouch either, however you do trade a little intimacy and immediacy for slightly better bottom end drive and foundation. Both are great buy at current used market prices, you can't go wrong with either.
IMO, having heard both the V2/V3 and the Q3/Q5 I would wait until funds allow for the purchase of the Qs.If not I would move to the Avalons.The V series Magico prices seem to be falling weekly,my guess is potential buyers hear the Qs
Sure the Q's sound much better than the V's. However, if one considers a pair of V3's cost $15K used and a pair of Q3's cost $40K new, the question of value enters the picture.

If I were to consider trading my Mini2 for the Q1 in a year or so, the Q1 will be $30K and I would be lucky to get $15K for my Mini2. Is the Q1 really worth double the price of the Mini2? That's a bit more difficult to answer.

Many of us could re-buy our current systems with components found used on Audiogon for a fraction of what we paid originally, new or used. I try not to dwell on such things.

IMO, the V2, V3 and Mini2 are very good values right now. Perhaps even better after the holidays.