Magico V3

I have been considering a speaker upgrade from my current Thiel 3.7s to units in the 10-15k price bracket in the used market. I have auditioned Wilson Sophia 3 and Sasha and Revel Studio2. The studio 2s were to me a sideways move in that the bass was very good but the transparency was no better than what I have; the Wilsons are both very good with superior bass dynamics and extension compared to the Thiels although the Sashas are a few grand out of my price range. Things I have available to audition in my area are Avalon Eidolon Vision and Sonus Elipsa. However, my interest is really peaked in the V3 because I have heard the Mini-2 and the Q3 and liked them a lot; in fact, I think the Q3 is the best I have ever heard, and to my ears preferable to the Wilson Maxx 3 which I also listened to recently. The V3s are available now since they are being traded for the Q3s.

I listen to a lot of orchestral music and acoustic music, mostly on SACD.

I cannot find a pair of V3's to audition in my area. If you have heard the V3s or own them, I am wondering if you think they would provide that wonderful Magico sound I have heard but at a price I can afford.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Interesting thread, choices, choices!

The V3 in my limited experience can be a great speaker. Driven by Dartzeel 458 mono's there was little to complain about in the bass, sure a bigger more expensive speaker might go deeper but they're very good. They're a neutral revealing speaker and if thats what you're after you'll not go far wrong if they synergize with you're system. At today's prices should you dive in I don't think you'll loose greatly should they not work out. They'll eventually find thier price and be snapped up so don't take too long mulling things over as there won't be an endless supply in such a buyers market. I'd expect their value to rise modestly again once the glut has passed, they'll be sort after.

The other way to look at it is if you like the look of the Q3's you're sure to get a favourable trade in price should you have V3s to trade and while you're saving (and/or waiting for s/h pairs) you'll have hopefully enjoyed them greatly.
Hi Defride,

Nice system! Enjoy! Just to take us off to a sidebar for a second, what did you think of the Dartzeel 458 monos?

Can you compare to any of the following?
- Krell Evo One
- Gryphon Colosseum or Antileon
- Boulder 2060
- ARC Ref 210
- MBL Ref Monos
- ML 33H

Those are the main big boys i am familiar with, that come immediately to mind. Thanks!!!

Hi Lloydelee21,

Hard to give a true sense of what the 458's were bringing as the system was unfamiliar and it was a dealer led demo.

I can't offer great insight but fwiw...

The system was Metronome Kalista Ref, Dart pre, 458's hooked up with Transparent cable driving the V3's.

It was a notably fast and transparent system with well resolved bass, certainly didn't seem lacking.

I've not heard any of the amps you've mentioned however in that league I have heard Robert Koda and Soulution in highend systems and to me those systems offered a little more emotion with the 458 system seeming a little more immediate and up front, edge of the seat and gripping rather than relaxed and engrossing.

Sorry I can't offer more insight
Hi Defride,

thanks...i have spoken to a few people about the Robert Koda, so that is something...

I have not heard Soulution either unfortunately, but at least there are a few places i can probably hear again helpful for 'calibration' purposes.

I do know Transparent and Kalista so that too is somewhat helpful. Thanks!!!
Well, I did finally buy a pair of V3's after a brief flirtation with a used pair of Q3s. Although I liked the V2's as well, the price on them was not as good. I am very happy with my purchase as I found a virtually perfect pair in my area for less than I expected, in fact only slightly more than V2s. I find the V3's to be very pure and neutral sounding, and in my room and with my amps, I have plenty of bass. I really like the depth of image as well. Thanks to all who responded to my post a few months ago.