Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200

Does anyone have any experience with these two carts, by any chance?  I have the Amethyst and I've used it for about 40 to 50 hours now. I think it's a beautiful cartridge, and I'm a fan of Sumiko in general, but it doesn't hit the spot like some of the other carts I've used.  So I think I'm going to sell it and buy something else.  I've had my eye on the MP-150 for a while.  Would be curious to hear folks' thoughts on this cart, especially from anyone who has heard the Amethyst, too.  (Also, if anyone has thoughts on what a good selling price for the Amethyst would be, please let me know.)  Cheers.
Cartridges are very system dependent like speakers so finding the perfect one for your system can be a real challenge. I would recommend a good dealer that will allow you to try different cartridges to find the best fit for your system or you will be chasing the unobtainable for awhile.
Thanks, sir.  Do you have an opinion about the cartridges i asked about, by any chance?
@three_paws I own the same Sumiko Amethyst cartridge as yours on an Opera Consonance Wax Engine TT, acquired in July 2020,  connected to different SS / tube amps and speaker pairings. 
After listening to classical and jazz LPs released ca. 1965-1985, and newer Pop/Jazz/Electronic/Contemporary Classical recordings ca. 2010-present I must say that I’m quite impressed with Sumiko’s tonal clarity and depth of sound. I have auditioned Nagaoka cartridges before with positive experiences, but for me I’m leaning towards Sumiko for the broad timbral ranges that I personally aim for in specific chamber, symphonic and electronic music genres. 
If you do decide to sell the Amethyst you can probably garner $370-$400 USD, depending on its condition.

Hope this helps!
I do not know about Amethyst but have Nagaoka 300 with a 500 stylus on a Linn Sondek with an SME3009R arm.

It sounds divine.