Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS

Hi everyone,

I wondered if you could help? I have ProAc D30S's and I am trying to get the positioning right. I am slightly confined by room width which is 262cm wall to wall.

If you dont mind me asking, how far apart are your speakers and how close to the side wall are they?  It is a bit of a compromise for me and a challenge to get the best position.

Currently my speakers are 6ft apart. Do I go further apart? if I do they will be close to the side walls!

What's best closer together and further away from side wall or wider and closer to side wall?

The D30S's have downward-firing bass port so that helps.

Oh the dilemma!! :-)

Many thanks


d30rs is way too much speaker for such a small room

response 1sc’s or tablettes are more appropriate
Yes it is too much speaker, although the room is long, it's far from ideal.
We will be moving house soon so I will have a larger room.

It only vibrates at one particular moment on one track. The rest of the time it sounds good.

The room is 18ft long and I have acoustic panels in the corners of the room and to the side of the speakers as you suggested millercarbon8.
 Thanks for the link  millercarbon8, that is very interesting.

I think I will order the Moabs ! :-)

I love that guys comment:

"When I got my Moabs Eric reminded me to make sure that the tweeter was at ear level.... i said, “Which one” 😂😂

many thanks

Oh just to add I have the speakers on thick carpet with underlay, on spikes and on isolating feet.


Not being familiar with those I looked up the images of them. I see that they have tweeters that are offset to one side. You might try experimenting by swapping them to see if they image better with the tweeters inboard vs outboard of center. Sounds like you've made progress already though. Good deal!
Happy listening.