Careful if buying Purist Audio Neptune fluid cables.

About two and half years ago I bought the 3 meter pair RCAs Neptune new from an authorized dealer. 
Recently the cables develop the following. First, they are both now 2/3 empty, though they appear to still sound the same. Except, second, they now give me quite a pronounced background noise heard thru both speakers and independent of the volume. I compared them regarding the noise with Tchernov Reference MKII and WyWires Platinum RCAs, the former are 1 meter pair and the latter are 4 feet pair. They both also give me some noise but it is five-ten times lower in intensity and below the level of either vinyl playback or tape. Tchernov and Wywires gave exactly the same noise level.
I even ran deck directly to power amp to eliminate the preamp and additional cable, the results were exactly the same.
Though the Neptune is 3 meters long, I don't think it should do this, and I don't think that it should lose so much fluid so quickly. When the fluid is gone, and I suspect it will happen soon enough, things will become worse. I talked to the dealer I bought it from, he said that the Neptune was designed to work normally even if there was almost no fluid left. Maybe. But what happens when there is no fluid at all ? I don't want to wait and find out. And this strong background noise should not be there.
I sent a message to Jim Aud, designer and owner of Purist Audio Design, and asked him to take care of it. I will post his reply if and when I get one.
The dealer was of no real help, he did offer me upgrade to Purist Corvus 1 meter pair for $1075 plus my Neptune as a trade-in. I paid enough for the Neptune and not going to pay a cent more, except shipping to Purist if I have a chance.
Purist Audio has a lifetime warranty if you register the cables on their website.  Purist Audio also request the user to contact them directly regarding warranty claims.  The Dealer could have avoided a negative experience by merely reminding the owner of the lifetime warranty and politely informing the owner to contact Purist. 
As I‘ve read more than once here in this thread that „Jim is a great guy..“ I just want to report from an email conversation from two days ago. ...I have two Dominus Rev.B and one 20th Anniversary AC power cords in my chain (just FYI).I sent a mail to PAD asking if the Canorus pc is technically actually the same as the 20th Anniversary I have: I was quite a bit surprised that I got a response from Jim himself....BUT this „great guy“ was really short with me and didn’t really answer my question to my content so I waited three days (maybe he had a bad day last time) and asked for a bit more explanation and detail...and again he was very short questioning me why I do not make a comparison in my chain between the Anniversary and the Canorus to find out what has better synergy....Thanks for the information and for the poor customer service!! He only said that the metallurgy of them is supposedly different but nothing a bit more concrete and nothing to my question which is the higher rated cable etc. I get the feeling that this „great guy“ doesn’t really make listening tests (any more? If ever?) and doesn’t give a sh** about his punters. Though I really like the powercords I currently have! The thing is those cables have a suggested 250 to 300 hours burn in time and here in Germany the dealers are pretty rare and if at all they have the cable you ask is not burned in, so comparison? Not really!

Over the years I have enjoyed reading about your Cable journey.

Happy Listening!
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As someone who is looking to inject some warmth into their system I'm seriously considering the Purist Audio Poseidon speaker cables.

My question is, should I be concerned by fluid leakage?  Or is it a very rare occurrence?