Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200

Does anyone have any experience with these two carts, by any chance?  I have the Amethyst and I've used it for about 40 to 50 hours now. I think it's a beautiful cartridge, and I'm a fan of Sumiko in general, but it doesn't hit the spot like some of the other carts I've used.  So I think I'm going to sell it and buy something else.  I've had my eye on the MP-150 for a while.  Would be curious to hear folks' thoughts on this cart, especially from anyone who has heard the Amethyst, too.  (Also, if anyone has thoughts on what a good selling price for the Amethyst would be, please let me know.)  Cheers.
I do not know about Amethyst but have Nagaoka 300 with a 500 stylus on a Linn Sondek with an SME3009R arm.

It sounds divine.
I have the 150 and upgraded the stylus to the 200. Great cartridge. I like a warm sounding cartridge and goes well with my modded 1200 mk5 tt.
Thanks, guys. 

scchengmus, I totally agree with your description of the Amethyst, and I've thought for a while that it's probably a great cart for classical, though I haven't really tested it with that genre, since I listen mostly to 50s-70s jazz these days.  The only thing I miss with the Amethyst is a bit is more energy from the cymbals (I'm a drummer, so that's partly why), which is why I find myself listening to the Sumiko Olympia more often than the Amethyst -- it's not nearly as clean, but it's very alive, and it still has the warmth and musicality that I really like.  I was hoping that the MP-150/MP-200 would have the same lower frequency depth and presence but a bit more happening in the upper registers, too.

@noromance , do you find the AT bright/fatiguing at all?
I am currently running a Nagaoka MP-500 on a VPI Prime Scout and am very happy with it.  I also had a MP-200 and agree that it would be a better choice than the entry level Nagas.

I’m not sure if you listen to vintage jazz in stereo or mono, or alternate depending on your source format. Some studios back-in-the-day definitely produced records that only sound best in mono, meaning through monoblocks post-preamp. But I agree that different Sumikos produce different results for different recordings; I’ve heard 5 types of Sumiko but again, for me personally, my system sounds best with Amethyst (within the Sumiko line up that is). For your system and for what you listen to, yes, switching between Sumiko models could prove beneficial. Comparing Sumiko to Nagaoka, however, I would summarize as “pure” vs. “warm” if we had to use adjectives. Back to my system, the sound frequency, timbre, depth is performing to my musical format needs with the Amethyst. 

For some background as a child listening on my father’s systems, followed by further education and ongoing experimentation, it became clear that pairing is of utmost importance. You can have an amazing cartridge(s) but if the entire life cycle from power to speakers isn’t compatible then all is moot. Unfortunately we are at the mercy of the source, so the quality of each recording is another key point. This, however, we cannot control — for those who want total control this point is definitely out of our control.