I never heard of Muzishare, but that doesn't mean much since I haven't been shopping in this range.  But why does it have four 300Bs if it is a single ended design?

Some years ago I owned a Cayin 300P, a push-pull version producing 20 wpc.  Apparently that was an earlier version of this model -  https://www.china-hifi-audio.com/en/cayin-audio-hi-fi-tube-amp-c-47/cayin-a-300p-mk2-class-a-power-a...

I found that to be of high build quality, good sonics, and reliable.  Oddly that is listed for less than the model you linked?
Team, i am kind of new to tubes comparing to others, only involved last 8 months or so. I started with Muzishare X7...Push-Pull 4xKT88s.
I also have KEF 105/3 that I renewed painfully, all donuts and capacitors.
I keep reading about SET...so I wanted to try SET and compare.
I am also planning get Tekton perfect 15s if KEFs would be hard to drive with 8W 300Bs etc...
I also build raspberry stream with HAT digital out, trying Ethernet to Digital streaming source.
I have Ares II as R2R DAC.

Muzishare has 2x300bs...I believe those 2 more looks like 300b but they are 274b i think...used as rectifiers. 
I also learned that Cayin is mostly 220v...I am in the USA so 120V is on Muzishares...