Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200

Does anyone have any experience with these two carts, by any chance?  I have the Amethyst and I've used it for about 40 to 50 hours now. I think it's a beautiful cartridge, and I'm a fan of Sumiko in general, but it doesn't hit the spot like some of the other carts I've used.  So I think I'm going to sell it and buy something else.  I've had my eye on the MP-150 for a while.  Would be curious to hear folks' thoughts on this cart, especially from anyone who has heard the Amethyst, too.  (Also, if anyone has thoughts on what a good selling price for the Amethyst would be, please let me know.)  Cheers.

Since nobody has answered your question here's my take.

The Nagaoka MP range has an easy open sound, best attribute is openness through the midrange. However the high frequency transparency and precision is ok at best.

The Nagaoka's tend toward full rich and slightly soft. ( I own some ).

Noromance, the top end is exactly what’s missing for me. It’s warm and smooth but a touch too polished and laid back for me--I want a little more energy on top. Appreciate that feedback.

From my knowledge of the Amethyst which does not have the speed in the higher frequencies, if you moved to a Nagaoka, I think you'll get more of the same, slightly different colour, but neither have precision and speed in the top end if thats what you are missing.

If you have a good arm and phono stage maybe you should look to an MC - the Audio Technica AT33 range is excellent value for money.

Thanks, @dover .  I'm starting to think I'd really like the MP-200/MP-150 for their warmth and richness, but they probably wouldn't be a sufficiently different option from the Amethyst to provide that high energy spot that I feel is missing.   I've been curious about AT carts--maybe that's the route to go.  Thanks, mate.