Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?

Ordered a McIntosh MA8900 from my dealer in December. First one had cosmetic damage out of the box so they swapped it out for a new one. The new one won't power on (just get the standby light). McIntosh said they would replace it again but I'm frankly done, just want my money back at this point. The dealer has a no refunds policy. Should I accept a 3rd new unit or insist on a refund?
I like Dweller's advice, but I too would be nervous about a third unit.  What does it say about McIntosh quality control?  Would I have to worry about it functioning every time I want to hear music.  Have a heart to heart conversion with the dealer and don't feel forced to make an immediate decision.
With all the stress and trouble you have experienced, you would
deserve the  ´´Optional dealer installed upgrade to DA2 Digital Audio Module ´´  free.

Forget the first unit it was a cosmetic issue? I've NEVER seen a Mac with a factory packing and then have issues, it wasn't new. OR someone took it out of the box and didn't repack it right. That did happen to me.. a tube got loose, oh yea flipped the box, crushed a tube box (suppose to be in a wrap under the cage). The seller forgot a simple bag or to TAPE the tube boxes shut. The unit was never removed from the box. Then the seller took it out to show the NEW 15 year old unit tubes in and took pictures.. HE repacked it incorrectly, 1300.00 mistake.  Glass scratched the tops of the transformers. 

The second one might just be the power on and reset by holding the power button. That usually resets the newer Macs.
More than one fuse?
A wire came off or loose behind transport.. RARE!

I'd open it there, test it there, and REPACK it correctly there.

If there is any problems, tell the seller before hand.. ANY problems, best have your money ready.. OR give it back RIGHT NOW, and don't worry about a third one.. Let him take the effort to make it right, NOT YOU!!!

This aught to get at least a goodie or something..

The first unit was gouged to bare metal on the bottom, looked like someone missed the hole when screwing on the pallet. It was definitely new, McIntosh security tape on outer and inner box. Just took in the 2nd unit in to the dealer and they confirmed it's DOA, not even the service USB port was working. Took some time to calm down as suggested and  ended up asking for a 3rd replacement. I like the idea about asking for a DA2 module, I feel it's fair compensation for all the hassle, we'll see what the dealer says.