I put the grill clothes back on my CS6’s. It was fun for a day to listen to bare speakers. They sound different with the grill cloths off but more natural with them on. Also, I have been tweaking my speaker position lately as well and I think I have found the ideal arrangement for me. Using the center of the tweeter as the reference point, the speakers are 102" apart, 50" from the side walls and 80" from the front wall (ie. behind the speakers) to the front plane of the tweeters. I find a tiny bit of toe in sharpens the focus of the imaging. I have 1/2" toe in. My listening position is 122" perpindicular to the front plane of the tweeters. That means from my ears to each speaker is a bit more than that distance. This gives me a deep and wide holographic soundstage. I can almost reach out and touch the performers, (but of course I wouldn’t do that).