Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?

Ordered a McIntosh MA8900 from my dealer in December. First one had cosmetic damage out of the box so they swapped it out for a new one. The new one won't power on (just get the standby light). McIntosh said they would replace it again but I'm frankly done, just want my money back at this point. The dealer has a no refunds policy. Should I accept a 3rd new unit or insist on a refund?

There's no way it was damaged in transit, as I've said repeatedly. Believe it or don't. My dealer isn't just authorized, they are McIntosh "platinum" tier dealer. No reason for me to name them because I'm not having a problem with them, and even if I were, I wouldn't name or shame unless I was getting shafted, which I'm not. In both instances when I called Mc they said take it back to the dealer for a replacement. By the way, I haven't said a bad word about Mc either, just stated facts. Can't fault the customer service I've received so far, which was reassuring enough for me to go for the 3rd unit. Why would I do that if I had some kind of anti-Mc agenda? 
If you bought the item using a credit card you may have recourse by explaining the return and disputing the charge.
If it were shipped to you ,your dealer is not local.  Ship it back
as soon as it is delivered ,file a claim with your credit card company 
if the dealers refuses to give your money back ,or tell them give you a $10% refund for all your trouble. If you except a 3 rd unit . I would just ship it. Back 
call credit card company with tracking , they should give you the credit back 
after you file a dispute all the time and effort wasted . It’s totally on McIntosh.
there is no excuses  .Coda for example soak test each product48 hours then 
do a final bias and inspection before it ships ,10 year warranty parts and labor,
and the 1st year if any fault they will pay freight up and back,that is excellent service.
" McIntosh said they would replace it again but I’m frankly done, just want my money back at this point."

Why the complete turnaround?