How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
Warm up your ears, nicely put @mijostyn, 16kHz is the best scenario for younger ages.

I can speak to the specific case of Classical music. I usually set the volume so that the peak crescendo hits roughly 86db on my RadioShack sound pressure meter. I find this seems to mimic a real world concert listening experience.  This puts the softer sections down in the 50-60db level. 
Indeed. One of my favorite moments at a concert is when everyone pulls out their SPL meters to check the crescendo level. I look around at the readings and this way know where to sit for next time. But then at home I worry, am I setting the volume for where I like it way in back? Or should it be higher for where the recording engineer thought the level should be? These problems worry me so much I can never enjoy classical.