Class D for a Tube Lover

First, I'm sure this has been asked many times but searching the subject wasn't too helpful to me.

So apologies in advance.

I enjoy tubed electronics and class A amps, which tend to be a bit warm.  My current Cary 805s warm my small (12x16) music room even in the cool/cold of winter.  I've got other amps that don't produce much heat, but am looking for something that produces no heat.  Living in a home with no central AC the room gets uncomfortably hot during the summer months.

So...I'd like to try some Class D amps.  Stereo or mono is just fine.  And my speakers aren't difficult to drive so I don't need a thousand watts.  But if that thousand watt amp sounds great, I'm not adverse to that, either.

I'd like to keep the price under 2k used.  

Please help.


Ignore ALL recommendations. The only way to tell is in your system in your room with your music.

There are far too many technical issues to list, but anyone who claims Class D can sound like tubes does not have a very revealing system.

I have Class D & tubes.
Don't ignore all recommendations....BUT realize that we all have our own sense of what sounds "right".  Instead, recognize that everything that has been listed above has a fan and therefore MIGHT meet your needs...but as you know and has been said, the only way to know is to try.  And the good thing is that most of these companies have either trial periods, demo models or both.
I am driving a pair of Vandersteen Treo’s with a PS Audio Stellar S300 Power Amp and am very satisfied with the performance. Class D output stage and Class A input stage. I needed a smaller amp and it has plenty of power, sounds great, and no heat. others have mentioned that PS Audio has two higher levels of Class D amps the 700 and 1200 and the 1200 has a vacuum tube input stage. I also have a PS Preamplifier and am very happy with that also.
I have owned a Rogue Sphinx v3. It was a nice sounding amp, but a little bright for me. However, it was nowhere near the sound of either my McIntosh nor Raven amps which were both just as smooth and revealing without being bright.
The stock JJs that Rogue ships with leave something to be desired.  If you put a good set of NOS tubes in, all Rogue class Ds get much better. Expect to pay $250 for a good set. 

I have had my Hydra with NOS Ciftes side-by-side with VTL MB-185s, Art Audio Quartets and Art Audio Opus 4s and again it is not the same, but it is not bad.  It is far more satisfying than other SS amps I have had through here during the same period. 

In the end, only the OP can be the judge.  But I will say that getting a Class D with tube input stage will be closer than a straight Class D is going to be.  I don't think that is at all a stretch.