What is the best DAC ever made?


Just looking for some imput on high quality DAC's...I have owned a number over some time and have loved and lost them...Currently I am using the Classe DAC-1 to great pleasure...Just thought I would ask others what they thought!
Bill, Im sorry if you invested with Madoff but if it looks like sharpe 5 you can take it for sure the performance is fake. This player on the other hand is for real, I have it right here.
We get it. You drank the kool aid. Now let it go. No amount of your denials is going to make the truth about APL disappear.
Bar, I drank it and it taste mighty fine. Businesses evolve over time. If I buy a product and I can have it upgraded over time when new innovations are made I consider that valuable and a good investment.
Im sure you like to drink something as well so lets hear what it is and we can discuss the pros and cons of the best dacs.
Perrew- The new and only APL-NWO Super-DAC prototype is now in my system. WOW!! Alex has done it again!! You know what I am hearing, as do other 4.0-SE owners. The rest of you can just be jealous behind your APL-bashing.

To each their own, I suppose, but my faith in Alex is once again rewarded with an amazing piece of gear. I waited quite a while for this and got pretty frustrated, but was the wait worth it?

D E F I N I T E L Y!!!!!!
People were jealous of Corvair and Edsel owners at the onset.

But then again, Ford and GM never re-located to some third world country and hide out for months on end.

Dr. Livingston I presume?