One Cord To Rule Them All

I'm seeking advice for a power cord to go from the wall outlet to my PSA P10 power regenerator. It needs to be 1.5M / 5 ft. and have the ability to pass 600 watts for many hours per day. My current PC is a Pangea AC-9, and my budget is about $200 to $300. The candidates I have so far are: Pangea AC-9 SE Mk ll, Audio Envy Ocean 3, or a PS Audio AC10 (used for about $300). Any thoughts? ... Thanks
Following your logic, perhaps the OP should buy another regenerator to deliver power to his other regenerator.  Heck, maybe shove a third one in there, just to be safe.
Dude, if you have access to a cable lending library, experiment away!!  I wish I could do that.  As Don von Recklinghausen once said, "If it measures bad and sounds good, it's good.  If it measures good and sounds bad, you're measuring the wrong thing."
@millercarbonFollowing your logic, perhaps the OP should buy another regenerator to deliver power to his other regenerator.  Heck, maybe shove a third one in there, just to be safe.

Logic is right. Rock solid air tight logic. Which raises the question, where in any of it does it say to spend 3X repetitively like that?  

If you really are in Seattle, and can find your way over to the Eastside, you are welcome to come and experience for yourself just how far a high end audio system can go. Come and hear for yourself. Any time. 
Many apologies; I got the quote wrong.  He said, "If it measures good and sounds bad, it's bad.  If it measures bad and sounds good, you're measuring the wrong thing."

Recklinghausen was the chief engineer for HH Scott back in the day.  His long of audio accomplishments is here: