Looking for my "last" CD transport

Hello everyone,

as I am unhappy with my CD transport which is connected to my Linnenberg Satie DAC, I am looking for my "final" CD transport to replace it.

There is a limited market for new ones but I am also interested to get a vintage one if it makes sense.

Any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks for your help,
Just got my Jay’s, a month ago.  Very impressed...didn’t have to use my imagination to hear the difference.  First disk I played, I was startled....was not expecting that much difference.  And as a previous uniformed poster reported “bit is bits” hasn’t a clue what a precision transport and laser can do.  The Jay’s weight over 30 pounds and it sure isn’t bricks in side. This is not a laser and transport out of a $100 player....  
These days for any transport you get it needs to have I2S output(s). I believe Jays has I2S out. So does the PS Audio PWT. I am excited to see what Schiit develops. 
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If budget is limited: AUDIOLAB CDT 6000 or the nearly identical LEAK CDT.  I purchased the AUDIOLAB  a few weeks ago, to replace a faulty CAMBRIDGE CXC; the SQ of the AUDIOLAB is so much better. Bass is more punchy and more extended.  The LEAK has the same slot laser (made by JVC) as the AUDIOLAB. Both brands are owned by IAG. The LEAK has also an USB input, but unfortunately no FLAC nor DSD.