Hi Murataltuev, thanks for the response. What tubes were being used in the Acustic Arts Tube dac, did you guys experiment with any others and what digital cable were you using along with the connection and of course transport. If you used it with the original tubes you never heard the dacs true qualities. I will keep those pces that you have mentioned on my list to get to compare. Referring to Teajay's responses about AA product I have found in the past to have a similar taste and when I tried different pces found to be on the same page of what my thoughts are. That being said there are so many flavours of sound and the rest of your set-up also greatly depends on the end result so possibly yours and mine just differ which is okay.
Hi Pubul57, if you read my past threads you will see that my answer would be yes to the cd7, it's been a long time now since so you would need to read through to find what my thoughts were. Good to read that you are happy with what you have, that's what it's all about.
Guys who are ranting about the word "best", anyone who has been in this hobby for any length of time knows there is no best in anything so don't get so worked up about when you read a thread referring to such.
Hi Pubul57, if you read my past threads you will see that my answer would be yes to the cd7, it's been a long time now since so you would need to read through to find what my thoughts were. Good to read that you are happy with what you have, that's what it's all about.
Guys who are ranting about the word "best", anyone who has been in this hobby for any length of time knows there is no best in anything so don't get so worked up about when you read a thread referring to such.