DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$

Having recently heard the DAW, and Alexia 2, they are very close in performance the $$ suggest the DAW is a great value. I have Sophia 1 Wilson offers a generous trade in program, that said its still a lot of money, so my thinking has been to just get the DAW (my heart, my head says get the Alexia 1 CPO or Sasha 2 CPO) Not being independently wealthy, getting Either the Alexia 1 or Sasha 2 seem like sound choices, and trade up again later a couple years from now. My question is would you spend 10k more to get the DAW and stretch a little to make it happen or buy the lesser siblings and trade up in a few years?

Compared to my Sohpie 1s.

What would you do with the given choices.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xadsell
I listen to my sasha 2 in a nearfield position about 6ft or 6.5 ft
from tweeter to my ear distance while the speakers are about
7 ft apart (inner sidewall). Much better to my ears. To far from 
the listeners and it sounds too laid back and uninvolving.
I currently have and really love my Sasha 2s driven by Mac MC-152 and C-50 pre-amp. The 152 is not a top of the line Mac but does a sweet job of driving the S2s so I don't feel they are particularly hard to drive. My room is small and I don't like very high db levels but it is a spectacular  combination IMO. It is hard to go wrong with any Wilson speaker above the Sasha 2. Lower than Sasha line, to me, does not get the job done and is too much of a compromise.
Good thread. In exactly the same spot now. Will be doing a listening session at the local Wilson dealer between Sasha DAW and the Alexia Series 2.

Here’s the thing: I can get either a NEW Sasha DAW or an approximately 2-year-old USED Alexia Series 2 for the approximately the same price. (Really excited about the Alexia Series 2, honestly.)

Already heard the Sasha DAW paired with D’Agostino Progression Stereo amp (driven by dCs Bartok DAC/DSM/Pre-Amp) and was gob-smacked--even without a "full-fledged" pre-amp. Was previously looking at the Sonus Faber Amati Traditions, as I already committed money to the Mcintosh C2700/MC462 stack and SF "pair well", I’ve been told. But was never honestly engaged by the SF--as musical and beautiful as they sound.

Enter Wilson. When I demoed the Sasha DAWs, they grabbed me and never let go for the full 90 minutes I was leveled to the listening couch. I noticed vocal separation for the first time on tracks I’ve heard 50+ times.

Never heard the Alexia 2s, but, again, will in a few days against the DAWs.

Is there any down-side to getting USED Alexia Series 2s over NEW Sasha DAWs if each is the SAME price? The dealer is tight with Wilson, having been the location of past National Debuts of a couple of Wilson’s products, so the used Alexias would be fully restored, overhauled and have their certification complete with full Wilson warranties.

Seems like a no-brainer, right? Somebody stop me!