Stereophile's 2021 products of the year

  And wow! Schiit Audio 20w Class-A Aegir stereo poweramp made it into the A rating.
Cheers George

Like I said they go hand in hand, the measurements/tests keep the reviewers honest, not the other way around. Oh and I like the Aegir, if you search I recommend it quite a lot, especially in bi-amped systems with the Vidar and Sys (to equalize the gains) on the bass
And if you want to believe elsewise that’s up to you.
We agree on something, they go hand in hand, and reviewers who really know how to INTERPRET them - ie what really affects the sound and what does to a lesser degree are the ones, like Herb, whom I really respect. When designing his amp he knew which parameters needed to be spot on and which could be relaxed a bit. That’s called experience.
Stereophile is a much better read than this thread.
That's why people pay (not much) money for Stereophile.

But their recommended products is a bore and a waste of their  valuable editorial space.  They only include current gear and say nothing of the SQ relationship between say a Class A amp 10 years ago and one in this year's mag.  An objective discussion of that relationship would benefit us all.
I concur. My fully regulated JLH69 still sounds absolutely wonderful 51 years post design. I would loved to have had a good example of this classic compared with the aegir on SQ grounds so I could use it as a yardstick. If the aegir were to prove significantly better, I would obviously be very interested.

Comparing it with other amplifiers I know would give me similar insight.