Satoshi Nakamoto is by all accounts a fictitious character or possibly more accurately an amalgam of several individuals. I'm not sure what you point actually is. Be that as it may I'll see ya and raise ya one:
As an aside, bitcoin has a ceiling of 21 million coins which means the algorithms for miners will become increasingly more difficult. There are
about 18 million bitcoins "in circulation". Several million have been lost, as in unrecoverable: crashed hard drives, lost crypto wallets etc.
It is my fervent hope that you jumped on that bandwagon shortly after your reading of the bitcoin pdf. If so, I would certainly subscribe to the fact that you are a 1%er. And then it adds a ton of credence to your purchase of Tekton and subsequent joy. Mainly due to the fact that you would be able to purchase any speaker system on the planet.
Satoshi Nakamoto is by all accounts a fictitious character or possibly more accurately an amalgam of several individuals. I'm not sure what you point actually is. Be that as it may I'll see ya and raise ya one:
As an aside, bitcoin has a ceiling of 21 million coins which means the algorithms for miners will become increasingly more difficult. There are
about 18 million bitcoins "in circulation". Several million have been lost, as in unrecoverable: crashed hard drives, lost crypto wallets etc.
It is my fervent hope that you jumped on that bandwagon shortly after your reading of the bitcoin pdf. If so, I would certainly subscribe to the fact that you are a 1%er. And then it adds a ton of credence to your purchase of Tekton and subsequent joy. Mainly due to the fact that you would be able to purchase any speaker system on the planet.