Anyone else having trouble getting Wadia repairs?

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having trouble getting timely repairs from Wadia? Its been two months since I brought my 830 into an authorized dealer and he sent it off to them. Heard from the dealer after two weeks, he gave me an estimate of the cost and what needed to be replaced and thats the last I've heard from him. Called the dealer today and the person who does the front desk says she cant find any paperwork on it and will have to ask the proprietor. Is this the usual run-around by the dealer, or is there a problem at Wadia's end? Any thoughts on my next course of action? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had a problem with them some time ago where they had my 830 for months (maybe 8). At the time, the excuse was that they were going through a re-organization (which they were), and as far as I can tell, were out of business for a while. I've not heard anything about them going through another re-org, but maybe this is jsut busioness as usual for them. Try calling them directly. Until you speak to them, you will not know if it is them or the dealer that is giving you the runaround. You probably would have been better off sending it to Great Northern Sound, as they are an authorized repair facility, and will at least give you an honest answer of how long the repair will take.

Also, sadly, this seems to be the norm for many brands, that the shop will have hte unit for months. At the cost of the equipment new, and the cost of repairs, this is a disgrace, but there are manyh threads of people who have had bad repair experiences.
I called wadia once about a 64.4 D/a and the "*young man who answered swore to me that I was out of my mind and that the 64 *had an XLR input. Trust me they are hard to miss.
I've also had it happen that they took 2-6 months to answer email. GNS responds quickly. Hindsight won't help you now, but next time.