Best Sounding USB Cables?

Due to a system upgrade, I need to go to a longer USB cable than the 0.7m Phasure Lush^2 that I'm using. Before I order another longer Lush, are there any other USB cables $500 or less I should consider?
There’s nothing that influenced the out come with what we heard , I’m mature enough not to fall for any preconceived expectations or any sort of juvenile notions , And certainty nothing was discussed prior to listening I simply asked what vocal sounds the most realistic. 

Another point I like to make the cables were purchased randomly then simply listened to in the system ..The results were repeatable among family members whom could care less for this hobby and a audio friend whom appreciates a great recording.

 Like I said I would of never known how good my server actually is if I stayed with either one of the other USB cables ..

There really is a huge difference in sound between cheap USB cables and really good USB cables. I like the Silver Sonic USB cables. I had a nice looking Chinese USB cable recommended for HiFi audio that I thought sounded really good until I borrowed a Silver Sonic USB cable and could not believe what a difference it made---way more bottom and much more air in the high end. It was a WOW moment and it only got better as it broke in.
Wire , the most confiscatory priced item in this great hobby , lol what do you do ,,,