Preliminary DIY Grounding Box Result

I live in a big, downtown high rise building. Our grounding is crap. I just took a 12 awg sliver stranded wire and stripped both ends. One end went straight into the center of a 3 pound bag of magnetite, and the other stripped end was wrapped around a spare coax rca input (outside negative) on my DAC.

Result: Highly noticeable "analogue-ing" of the sound, along with more dramatically more pronounced soundstaging. Space between the instruments seems like it tripled. Smoother, detailed highs and warmer, dynamic vocals.

I have some quartz coming and will mix it in. Plus I’ll run to other components and report back. Just wanted to try this for a quick test.
I am wondering to built a gounding box for my system. Please can you tell me what kind and quantity i will make the mixing minerals stones it will be the better choice. 
That answer? 
 That would be exactly, (Half) of the battle won, my friend.
I have accumulated some strata try. I just have not the time at the moment.
So, how goes these experiments?  Does anyone have pictures of these grounding boxes?  And what minerals have done what?
Honestly, the project is currently sidetracked. I "know" that we currently do not understand particle field mechanics OR even grounding enough to understand more than a tiny bit of "why" these work. "IF they even do"!
After seeing the interior of a few different types of "working" boxes from other manufacturers?....:Which REALLY gave me quite a (pause)"!
 I "have" been mulling things about in the back of my mind though.
Soon enough, Even "if" I cannot find or figure anything else about this?
I will attempt some "Trial and error" configurations.
   As time has permitted, I have been slowly working up to that anyway. "And have also been purchasing some new measurement gear".
A LOT of new gear actually....
Who knew a microscope with a new, "Thermal Imaging" tech. would make such a great toy!
I did think that I might get more information than I have from others here and elsewhere. But that has all led to dead-ends.