My current speakers are Beta Infinity 40 towers. They have decent clarity, but lack involvement. They were always meant as a stand-in. I haven't had time lately to listen a lot, much less audition upgrades. So, hence my thinking is get something right now that is a nice upgrade, but not have the pressure of making the *right* choice, and then tinkering a lot with electronics, cables, etc... (not that I wouldn't rule out a new amp, but for the sake of discussion let's say it's the Rega for now).
As to your suggestions Afranta, The Totems look like they need some placement away from the back wall, which I could not accommodate in the family room, but could in the study scenario (option 2). Rega RS5 is on my list to audition as well; I have heard they can be a bit lean, but I'll let my ears decide that. A lot of people like the Monitor Audio RS6, but I did not care for the treble at all. One good plus about option 2 for me would be relative flexibility with regard to placement.
As to your suggestions Afranta, The Totems look like they need some placement away from the back wall, which I could not accommodate in the family room, but could in the study scenario (option 2). Rega RS5 is on my list to audition as well; I have heard they can be a bit lean, but I'll let my ears decide that. A lot of people like the Monitor Audio RS6, but I did not care for the treble at all. One good plus about option 2 for me would be relative flexibility with regard to placement.