Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com

I just wanted to pass along some concerns with this dealer. 

I ordered a tube amp a couple weeks ago that was shown in stock (actually listed as a discounted customer return). and after 8 days of waiting for a shipping notification I asked about the status and was told it was delayed because the owner had to verify his UPS account. ??? They listed DHL Fedex and UPS as shipping services with 3 - 7 day delivery time for the $595 shipping charge I paid.

Since that response I have asked several times to cancel the order and even thru Paypal communications but am now being ignored. No refund and no shipment. So now it is in Paypal claim and I will be waiting many more days to see a refund.

Very disappointing experience with this dealer.

Hmmm. But what about all of your cell phones and computers, and washing machines and refrigerators, all built in China? Are you simply looking the other way and holding your nose while using your cell phone? Seems a bit hypocritical to bash Chinese built gear and classify it as poor. Some is excellent. I’ve a Grant Fidelity sponsored Shuguang tube kt88 integrated whose sound I’d put up as an extremely solid 8 of 10 sound and build wise. Critics!
I wonder if the person returning it lived just down the road from you. Could have saved some postage! 
@cocona that’s excellent to hear. It’s always worthwhile checking, if only for peace of mind. i hope it fulfils your expectations.
Smaarch, I agree about PP being crappy.
I lost over $1500 for a purchase that I returned and am out my money and product! The seller in China somehow “refused” the return package AND swapped the product with a piece of some kind of funky pipe fitting-PayPal sided with him!!
they could be worse the could be selling “magnetic contact cleaner for $600 for 3 ml” 
did anyone else get that email from agon?
Sorry to hear about your problem. Unlucky I guess. I've bought thru their website multiple times in the last 4-5 years. Never once had a problem. Hope it works out for you