I've owned my 10T's for 10 years now, in 2 different rooms. Some original reviews hinted at a slight bit of bloat in the mid bass in the 10T's. I experienced that with when I used a big Classe amplifier, and the problem disappeared when I changed to Krell amp. So a high-power amp with strong bass control will help to some degree with this speaker.
However, I'm sure what you're hearing is room related. First strategy is to change speaker placement. Next is room treatment.
Sound anchors will also help some, as well as make other nice improvements. Don't worry about the fact that the anchors will move the tweeter above ear height. I moved and now sit close to my 10T's. After listening for a while without the sound anchors (I had the same concern you have about height), I put them back on the sound anchors I'd used in my big room when I sat farther back. Much better! The biggest benefit is a higher and more airy sound stage. Bass control also improved, but not by a huge margin.
You have some great speakers. Good luck!