What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
Aesthetix Io Eclipse with dual power supplies. Soundsmith Hyperion, Soundsmith Sussaro MKII, Benz LPS, Benz Ruby Z. 
Hyperion is divine with the Aesthetix, or Aesthetix is divine with the Hyperion. Either way, I am done. Future mods will be more experimentation with other cartridges and tonearms. 
Soundsmith Sussurro cartridge into a Herron phono preamp, then (similar to you) into a Raven Osprey integrated.
Herron VTPH-2A
Parasound JC3 Jr.
Vincent PHO-8 (as emergency backup)

No Soundsmith cart., unfortunately.   Ortofon Quintet on VPI Scout T/T.
