stereo review magazine

any thoughts on the old 'stereo review' magazine!! i've read them since the early 70's to their end!!!
Ah Stereo Review. Prior to that my only access to available Hi-Fi was Telefunken radio and the Lafayette radio catalogs. The year I purchased my first "Audiophile type" system in 1973 I was in Lafayette Electronics main store in Syosset NY. I had saved up for two years and was purchasing the upgraded version of what my friend had.  His was no longer available. The turntable I purchased (DUAL 1229) was instead of The Garrard 40A. The salesperson upsold me from a 40B. "You will see the DUAL in Stereo Review" said the salesman . He even gave me a copy to take with me.
Just like music History it reflected the time in which it was written. It was a good introduction.
Stereo Review, Audio and High Fidelity were all the magazines from that era that I enjoyed reading. Audio annual was great for listing all the current gear with price and specs . I still have about 20 of them.
@JKNOVAK, i still have my bose 901 series 2 from old school! even though many bash bose, i still enjoy listening to them! with my mcintosh mc602 powering them, they sound pretty good at a high listening level!!
Millercarbon is on point. They had me using lamp cord on my speakers and thinking that the 12ga Monster Cable I was using on my sub was over kill! Does anyone remember the small format Publication Listener Magazine? Art Dudley was the editor and Michael Fremer was the music editor. I really enjoyed reading that little magazine.