My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music

 Its like love and sex go with women. A good system makes the experience better. A great woman makes the experience better too! They both go together great!
That is exactly what I am asking you to do. Dont simply parrot what others have told you and what is the current fashion simply because a post contains a couple of provocative associations. You made the jump not me. 

Further, and this is classic 2021, unless you are a woman you are in no position to judge and have no right to comment because you cant possibly know.

Just think about the world that this politically correct nonsense is creating. Think twice if you have children.
The debate over a simple thought becomes a spanking from those who cannot tolerate anything other than their own rigid, moralistic, and self appointed position of chastising anyone or anything their brainwashing has taught them could offend someone. The shallowness, sterility, and self aggrandizing that our social nazis display is merely a reflection of their own desires to feel superior, righteous, and in control.
Back on topic......Listening to well recorded music has introduced me to music genres I now enjoy. If the playback quality is not that great I still enjoy the music.
This is the best conversation I have seen on Audiogon!  Sure hope we have more of these.