Power Cable for Line Magnetic LM518 IA -- 22 Watt SET

I've been using an old Virtual Dynamics Power 3 on this amp since I've had it and need an upgrade.  I do not have a lot of experience with power cables.  My budget is $750-$1250 and I'd prefer to purchase used.  I'm installing a dedicated 20A line for the audio system and am installing 2 Furutech GTX -DR NCF outlets with matching covers and mounting plates.  I'll be looking into power conditioning/distribution as well.  Thus far, I'm wide open on that but the Shindo Mr. T is first on my list, although I'd prefer to have 8 outlets rather than 6 if possible.

If possible, I'd like a cable that can help improve soundstaging and imaging. 
I was looking at your setup and desire for better soundstage & imaging, I have a couple of suggestions instead of a new power cord. The blue chairs are interfering with direct sound to your listening position, push them out when listening. Moving the speakers out wider and point them to your left & right shoulders when you are in your seat. Also pull them out into the room a bit. Your listening position should be the same distance as an imaginary plane between the two speakers. If the speakers are 10ft apart, your listening position should be 10ft. from dead center between the speakers.
The belief that power cords/outlets/dedicated ac lines offer "better" SQ is like using a custom hose to add gas to your car in the hope that its mileage and 0-to-60 time will improve! 
I found good results with my 518ia and the Zenwave PL11 cord.  Especially since you're investing in Furutech NCF outlets.  The PL11 comes with NCF connectors, which will dovetail nicely in terms of lowering noise floor.  If you weren't going with NCF outlets, then the investment in cables with NCF connectors don't present as strong of a value proposition, since some of the benefits would be masked by the outlet.