Which amplifier should i buy

Iv'e already asked , quite similar question , but i would like to clarify my question. So , Iv'e ordered a new speakers, Magico A3 and now i want to buy an amplifier, a tube amplifier. The amount of money that i can allow myself is up to 20,000$. The possibilities that i thought about are : zesto eror 300 / vtl MB -450 series ||| signature / vac phi 170 (two - i mean transform it monobloc) . Those are the options that i thought about till now. Does anyone can recommend which is the best option in this amount of money , it doesn't have to be from the option list that i mentioned.Unfortunately  there are brands that i can not buy in my country (ISR) , for example cat....
Thanks to anyone . 
Have you looked at McIntosh? A hybrid MA1200 would be killer with those speakers and have all the power yet the smoothness of the tube front end you are looking for. Plus they have looks that kill!


If you are not a McIntosh Autoformer fan then look at their MA352 which is another hybrid of theirs that has big power and is aesthetically stunning! Here is a good review on it where the reviewer has Magico A5 with it. Email him and ask any questions on how the amp pairs with the Magicos


Good luck and have fun with those beautiful speakers!
Lots of good recommendations here and I'll add one more.  Conrad-Johnson's ART150 Stereo is powerful and sounds great.  I've enjoyed one for two years with Wilson speakers.  Of course, C-J's great tube sound.

Quicksilver V4's amps with Audible Illusions L3B or M3B preamp. Even any of the Quicksilver preamps sound great for 1.5K
I second the Gryphon Diablo 300 recommendation with a leaner, more “critical” speaker like Magico. I suspect it may work better than the Gryphon Essence which is an incredible amp but may sound a little light with Magico. 

Why on earth would anybody drive those speakers with a tube amp?  Tubes are fun with high efficiency speakers with modest current demands (pretty much the opposite of the Magicos).Many good ss suggestions above, but with the kind of dough you want to spend might as well get the Hegel H30 and buy a second one when you can afford it (you probably won't).  Alon would likely concur.