Wanting to purchase Revel Center Channel speaker

Hello everyone I just joined this morning. I decided to bring my Revel and Anthem gear out of retirement because I just retired after 40 years of work and have time again to enjoy my passion.
So I'm looking for a revel center channel speaker
To go with my f30s. I would really be interested in a C30 or a C32 but I'm having a hard time finding them. I have found both listed on eBay but the sellers are not willing to ship. I'm located in Dallas Texas, if anybody could help out it would just make my day. Thank you for your time
Try hifi shark, canuck audio mart, and higherfi to start.  Awesome sites to buy gear from. 

On some of these sites, you can specify search terms - so an email will be sent to you with gear that matched the required terms. 

Search every few days. Eventually you'll find what you're looking for.

You might have more luck finding a Revel Performa 3 C208 or C205, since they are newer models and there are more of them around.  And I bet they would work with your F30s just fine.  Used C208 have been going for as low as $1,200 lately, and C205 for as low as $600.