Audioquest cables best tweak

We all know that cables have a huge propensity to become RF antennas depending on their geometry , and many companies have invested tons on developing designs that help shield against of filter out this favorite, Kimber Kable, and many others such as Transparent or MIT.
Audioquest, it seems like, went the other way and created the DBS system, a system that does act like an antenna and that does introduce noise in the cable, as measured by some engineer... preposterous!

The best tweak of all with such audioquest cables, is  to take the DBS off the cable!  Less noise, higher HiFi.
Yes, AudioQuest have managed to create some very special cables. But have you ever thought...maybe the cable is picking up noise from the test equipment?! Nope. It's the other way around.

lol I'm glad you posted this because it's true.
"lol I'm glad you posted this because it's true"

So you have tried this "tweak"? From what I can tell the OP hasn't. 
Imagine a preamp or speaker crossover built with DBS by people w Patents, good ears, ongoing firms... simple stuff like Vandersteen, Brinkmann.....

Without DBS, I hear spurious cell phone interference and people, or ghosts talking. With DBS, I hear no such interference and just pure music.

In all seriousness, if noise was such an egregious issue or problem by any cable manufacturer, it would be publicized across the mainstream audio media news outlets like Wendy’s, or Popeyes, or Chik-Filet announcing a new super crunchy chicken sandwich. I have to get back to more late breaking audio news and sip more coffee.