Processor question

Hello all,
    I am considering either a McIntosh MX 123 or an Audio Control Maestro X9. Has anyone heard these processors? Also, do you have a preference of one or the other in a system used for both music and movies?
I'd suggest doing a bit of research on each of the companies respective websites. If the product description isn't enough, the owners manual may have some other important details. 
My experience after trying a whole slew of these things is there is no way to add a processor without your stereo taking a hit. And not some minor hit like you can fix with a better power cord or shelf or whatever either. Like fatal. Like for every dollar you spend on a processor, the more you spend the more you have to spend just trying to make up for it.

Don’t take my word for it. Bring some of these marvels home. Hook em up. Hear for yourself.

This is why my dual use system is stereo. Because it is just a whole lot easier to enjoy a movie in freaking insanely good soundstage stereo than it is to enjoy music with an irrecoverably wrecked sound due to the whole HT thing. A situation made worse by not having video to distract you from the bad sound. 

Do it this way and the one compromise you make for stereo is not being able to treat the front wall. Even that can be done, you would just need a retractable screen. For movies the only compromise is not having surround. But in return you get much more captivating stereo sound. So it is a wash.

What we are left with then is no earthly reason to go multi-channel, other than marketing having programmed people to lurch HT as a reflex, without ever thinking things through.
to mastering92...I have read everything I can find about the two processors. I am hoping someone who has heard them can offer an opinion, but thanks for the response.
to millercarbon... Thanks for responding, and I appreciate your perspective, but I will be getting one of these marvels and am hoping to hear from a member that has listened to one or both.