Luxman LX-380 for LS3/5a's? Alternative?

Hopefully there is somebody in the group who can give an answer to which Luxman amplifier is 'the best' match for my Rogers LS3/5a's? These are the current production Classic ones, 15 Ω.

The LX-380 has 4 6L6 output tubes in push-pull, and this could be a great match. The Rogers E20a(II), designed with the LS3/5a in mind, has the same tube configuration.

Now, having said that, I am not into tubes as if it is a religion. At the moment I use a Sugden A21se Signature, that drives the speakers very well. 

The thing is, that the current Luxman lineup has too many awesome amplifiers. So I am also looking at the L-590AX-II and the CL-38uC/MQ88uC. These are all too awesome..

But I keep coming back to the 'simple' LX-380..

I am very interested in your real life opinions.

While I have not heard the gear you mentioned, I can tell you a bit about Luxman amps.

They can drive speakers with authority. The overall signature is balanced with articulate midrange and treble. Bass frequencies are tight and resolving.

Tube amps in general add warmth to midrange and treble and may soften bass frequencies. In other words, a song with strident midrange or treble can be tamed by a tube amp. On a SS amp, all of those peaks and drops may sound annoying.
I’ve run the Sugden A21SE for years and with original Rogers LS 3/5As.  I love that amp, but it is quite cable sensitive to get the bass right.  I finally settled on Decware Silver cables.  I’m not saying that is the only cable that works, just my experience.
I own a 590AX II with Harbeth 30.2's, so in theory a speaker much like the LS3/5. As for my amp and speaker match-up, I love the sound, clear, crisp but not sharp, so perhaps some would say on the warmer side. I can listen all day to it. I would say that the combination is a bit 'polite' for heavy rock and roll/metal, although I can get them louder then I ever want to listen with just Class A 30 watts, and I listen to every type of music on the setup without a concern.
I would think the Luxman 380 with the LS speakers would be amazing.